Micro-credential 'International and European Procedure'
Discover international and European Civil Procedure in our fascinating micro-credential, especially developed to deepen your understanding of border-crossing legal procedures. Prior knowledge of Civil Procedure will give you a head start, but is in no way required.
This micro-credential is a valuable addition to legal professionals and their teams that regularly work on complex international cases. Policy officers and employees from various external parties will also benefit from a broader understanding of this captivating process area.
Immerse yourself in the world of international litigation, and increase your knowledge and skills in our specific micro-credential. Become an expert in cross-border litigation, and take a new step in your legal career!
Classes for this micro-credential will take place in the second semester. You can find a complete overview here.
Introduction:The internationalisation and Europeanisation of Civil Procedure
Discover how Civil Procedure evolves in our ever globalising and European oriented legal world.
Court procedures vs. out-of-court dispute resolution
Discover the difference between legal procedures and alternative dispute resolution, and which approach best suits different situations.
Basic principles of international authority.
Acquire understanding of the fundamental principles that decide which courts are responsible for handling international disputes.
The role of party autonomy in international and European Civil Procedure
Discover how parties are able to shape their procedural rights within the boundaries of international and European law.
Cross-border service of documents
Explore the complex challenges of correctly serving or notifying legal documents in international cases.
Learn how evidence differs and presents challenges in international and European legal contexts.
Recognition and enforcement
Discover the procedures for recognising and enforcing court decisions across borders, and how these processes are streamlined within European and international law.
Collective procedures
Immerse yourself in the mechanisms for handling disputes on a collective basis and their implications for international and European dispute resolution.
The European unified procedures
Explore the European Union's objectives and procedures to resolve disputes through standardised processes across the borders.
The influence of article 6 EVRM on Civil Procedure
Analyse the impact of article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights to Civil Procedure and the Protection of the Rights of Individuals.
The impact of the case-law of the Court of Justice on national procedural law
Examine how the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union shapes and influences national procedural law, and its implications for practice.
Immerse yourself in these fascinating subjects and develop a deeper understanding of international and European Civil Procedure with our targeted training modules.
- You have the choice to process the micro-credential on campus, or at your own choice (of place and time) the recorded lessons.
- You can follow this micro-credential as part of a government promotional procedure.
Schrijf je hier in voor lessen uit deze cursus
Micro-credential 'International and European Procedure'
Voor deze micro-credential kan u eenvoudig inschrijven via deze link.
De KMO-portefeuille kan voor de betaling van het inschrijvingsgeld worden aangewend. Voor initiatieven in het kader van levenslang leren waarvoor je inschrijft bij de academie gebruik je het UGent-erkenningsnummer DV.O103194.
Heb je al voorkennis van het burgerlijk procesrecht en het internationaal privaatrecht? Dan heb je een voorsprong, maar het is zeker geen vereiste.
- Grondige kennis hebben van de toepasselijke verdragen en wetgeving inzake het internationale en het Europese burgerlijke procesrecht, met inbegrip van de relevante rechtspraak van het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens en het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie.
- Kritisch reflecteren over actuele vraagstukken in dit domein, rekening houdend met de voortdurende evolutie van de wetgeving en rechtspraak.
- Problemen die rijzen bij de toepassing van procedureregels in grensoverschrijdende context herkennen en analyseren
- Een juridische redenering opbouwen met betrekking tot een procedurekwestie
- Concrete casusposities oplossen waarin verschillende rechtsvragen aan de orde zijn
- Zelfstandig de (evoluerende) rechtsregels toepassen in nieuwe, concrete en complexe situaties.
- Eigen oplossingen mondeling en schriftelijk beargumenteren